EuroFab Progress Meeting

Eurofab team



  1. Progress on morphometric components
  2. Progress on imagery components
  3. Progress on stakeholder components
  4. Past and future events
  5. Administrative appendix (if needed)

Where we are

Key focus

WP 200
Iterative Algorithm Desing
and Data Collection Sprints

WP 200

  1. Progress on morphometric components
  2. Progress on imagery components

Each including relevant data collection.

Progress on morphometric components

Morphometric classification homogenisation protocol

Protocol design

  1. Use morphometric classification of Central Europe from a parallel research project as ground truth data
  2. Calculate morphometric characters on subpar, but homogenous and widely available data, using enclosed tessellation cells (ETCs) as the base unit of analysis

Protocol design

  1. Train a supervised model to predict the classification of ETCs directly from the calculated morphometric characters, using the morphometric classification data as a target label

Protocol design

  1. Test the model on an out of training sample country to validate the approach.
    • Possibly Denmark / Italy / Spain
    • Calculate morphometric characters
    • Directly use the model to classify them into urban fabric types

Input data collection and preprocessing

  1. Morphometric classification of Central Europe (UPDATE)
  2. Microsoft Building footprints
  3. Overture Maps streets
  4. Implementation

Detailed morphometric classification

  • It is based on cadastre building data (NEW) !
    • Processed from official APIs for all five countries
    • New data has ~11 million more buildings than EUBUCCO
    • Quality checks are still pending in some regions

Detailed morphometric classification

  • Uses Overture streets, therefore there will be some shared data between the classifications, making the model inference easier

Data issues

Problems with existing datasets - EUBUCCO, etc..

Lots of missing and undocumented processed data

Problems with cadastre data - Germany, Poland, etc..

Wrong and undocumented information - CRS, type, year, rate-limited APIs

Microsoft Building footprints

  • Cover a large part of the globe - 1.5 billion building footprints.
  • Available for the study region, whereas other sources such as Google footprints are not.
  • Homogeneous origin - all footprints are derived using the same model.


Good coverage, but quality drops some places

Overture Maps streets

  • OpenStreetMap data with minimal processing, therefore it has good coverage
  • The ground truth morphometric classification uses it
  • The street network is simplified, preserving its topology, but removing unnecassary transportation artifacts


Simplified Overture street network

Current implementation status

  1. We have implemented a pipeline to process the Microsoft buildings and Overture streets
  2. We have a scalable pipeline (8 mil and more inputs) to calculate the morphological characters, which will be the input to the EUROFAB model.

Current implementation status

  1. The core functionality for all of this was made available within open-source packages - momepy, libpysal, sgeop
  2. Existing draft of technical notes, to be delivered two weeks before the Milestone 1 in December

Model development

Target - Urban taxonomy

  • Hierarchical classification of urban fabric
  • Allows flexibility in the resolution of the classification to be predicted
  • At the moment, tested at a fixed level

Urban Fabric Examples

Medieval, Victorian-era and ‘Large, open’ urban fabrics)

Urban Fabric Examples

Modern, Victorian-era and villas

Urban Fabric Examples

First mode iteration coarse hierarchy cut

Subpar data processing methodology

  1. Generate core spatial units for the entire study area and calculate morphometric characteristics
  2. Train model to predict to urban fabric types using the detailed morphology as a ground truth
  3. Use the model to predict urban fabrics across Central Europe

First model iteration

  • Random forest. Next steps will involve gradient boosting trees and then more advanced NNs.
  • The goal is to keep the final model as simple, scalable and interpretable as possible.
  • Stratified k-fold train/test splits based on spatial contiguity preventing spatial leakage in the test set - accuracy of 0.95 with random sampling vs 0.68 with spatial stratification.

First iteration results

Next steps

  1. Refine data processing pipeline
  2. Start iterating on model development.
  3. Write validation and comparison schemes to examine model results at different scales of the detailed cadastre classification.

Progress on imagery components

AI model design and development

Review: AI model design

  • Scale: Pixel vs patch (size)
  • Task: Classification vs segmentation
  • Model: Network architectures and foundation models


Baseline: Results

WP 202: AI model design

Data preprocessing

  • 224 x 224 x 3 image tiles
    • 26,942 tiles (.tif)
  • Labels:
    • Spatial signatures (.tif)
  • Train/test split: stratified 80/20% (stratified by distribution in dataset)



Unbalanced dataset


Model design

Model design

Backbone: foundation models

  • Satlas
  • Clay
  • IBM/NASA (Prithvi)

Comparison of backbones

Model Architecture #Labels Images
Satlas SwinT 302M Sentinel-2
Clay MAE/ViT 70M Sentinel-2/Landsat/NAIP/LINZ
Prithvi MAE/ViT 250 PB Sentinel-2/Landsat


  • CrossEntropy Loss (“ce”):
    • penalizes pixel-wise misclassifications
  • Focal Loss (“focal”):
    • reduces the contribution of easily classified examples and puts more weight on hard-to-classify pixels.

Validation metric

  • IoU (Intersection over Union)
    • Overlap between predicted and ground truth segmentations; 0 (no overlap) to 1 (perfect overlap).
  • F1 Score (Weighted)
    • Balancing precision (how much of the prediction is correct) and recall (how much of the actual segmentation is captured).

Validation metric

  • Accuracy (Weighted)
    • Percentage of correctly classified pixels.

Model A: Satlas

Model B: Clay

Model C: Prithvi

Results: fine-tuning

Model Satlas Clay Prithvi
Run time (per epoch) (with GPU) 9 mins 8 mins 20 mins
# parameters 90M 86M 120M
Implementation 5/10 6/10 7/10
Hyperparameter tracking Own setup Tensorboard

Results: fine-tuning 10 epochs

Satlas Clay Prithvi
Accuracy (weighted) 0.57 0.72 0.62
IoU (weighted) (0-1) 0.33 0.58 0.41
F1 (weighted) 0.41 0.69 0.58

Without hyperparameter tuning!

Results: fine-tuning w/ focal loss

Satlas Clay Prithvi
Accuracy (weighted) 0.25 0.72 0.59
IoU (weighted) (0-1) 0.2 0.58 0.42
F1 (weighted) 0.21 0.69 0.59

Prithvi: CE vs focal loss

Clay predictions

Summary: model comparison

  • Clay is the winner!
  • Training loss is important
  • Some classes still very much underdetected!

Next steps

  • Technical write-up
  • Hyperparameter-tuning
  • Data augmentation
  • Comparison to baseline
    • downsample/ upsample
    • maps

Progress on stakeholder components

Past and future events


Urbis 24, Frascati


World Urban Forum, Cairo, November 6th @ 15:30

Monitoring urban fabric for data-driven planning and decision-making

What is next

  • Milestone 1 (6 months)