Visualize data on an interactive map

This notebook uses lonboard for interactive visualisation of data.

import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import lonboard
from core.utils import used_keys
from lonboard.colormap import apply_continuous_cmap
import matplotlib as mpl
from mapclassify import classify
from sidecar import Sidecar

Define data path

chars_dir = "/data/uscuni-eurofab/processed_data/chars/"

Define region

region = 65806


Load building data and ensure the geometries are all valid Polygons.

buildings = gpd.read_parquet(f"{chars_dir}buildings_chars_{region}.parquet").to_crs(4326).reset_index()

buildings.geometry = buildings.make_valid()

buildings = buildings[buildings.geom_type.str.contains("Polygon")]

Create a lonboard layer

layer = lonboard.PolygonLayer.from_geopandas(buildings, opacity=.3)
CPU times: user 2.05 s, sys: 226 ms, total: 2.28 s
Wall time: 2.27 s

Create a Sidecar view (assumes JupyterLab) for more comfortable experience.

sc = Sidecar(title='buildings')

Create a Map object

m = lonboard.Map(layer)

Display map within the sidecar plugin

with sc:

List avaialable columns

Index(['index', 'type', 'properties', 'x', 'y', 'id', 'iid', 'geometry',
       'ssbCCo', 'ssbCor', 'ssbSqu', 'ssbCCM', 'ssbCCD', 'sdbAre', 'sdbPer',
       'sdbCoA', 'ssbERI', 'ssbElo', 'stbOri', 'mtbSWR', 'libNCo', 'ldbPWL',
       'mibCou', 'mibLen', 'mibAre', 'mibElo', 'mibERI', 'mibCCo', 'mibLAL',
       'mibFR', 'mibSCo', 'ltcBuA', 'mtbAli', 'mtbNDi', 'ltbIBD', 'stbCeA',
       'nID', 'stbSAl', 'nodeID'],

Specify a column and pass its values into a choropleth representation within the map.

# buildings.explore()
column = 'sdbAre'
'area of building'
classifier = classify(buildings[column], 'quantiles', k=20)
normalizer = mpl.colors.Normalize(0, classifier.bins.shape[0])
vals = normalizer(classifier.yb)
layer.get_fill_color = apply_continuous_cmap(vals, mpl.colormaps['viridis'])
mean       200.075974
std        772.615975
min          4.158652
25%         30.744129
50%         88.798078
75%        188.380757
max     103513.595948
Name: sdbAre, dtype: float64


Load tessellation data and ensure the geometries are all valid Polygons.

tess = gpd.read_parquet(f"{chars_dir}tessellations_chars_{region}.parquet").to_crs(4326)
tess['geometry'] = tess.geometry.make_valid()

tess = tess[tess.geom_type.str.contains("Polygon")]

Create a lonboard layer

layer = lonboard.SolidPolygonLayer.from_geopandas(tess, opacity=.2)
CPU times: user 5.13 s, sys: 406 ms, total: 5.53 s
Wall time: 5.52 s

Create a Sidecar view (assumes JupyterLab) for more comfortable experience.

sc = Sidecar(title='tess')

Create a Map object

m = lonboard.Map(layer)

Display map within the sidecar plugin

with sc:

List avaialable columns

Index(['enclosure_index', 'geometry', 'stcOri', 'sdcLAL', 'sdcAre', 'sscCCo',
       'sscERI', 'mtcWNe', 'mdcAre', 'ltcWRB', 'sicCAR', 'stcSAl', 'nID',
column = 'mtcWNe'
'perimeter-weighted neighbours of ETC'

Specify a column and pass its values into a choropleth representation within the map.

classifier = classify(tess[column], 'quantiles', k=20)
normalizer = mpl.colors.Normalize(0, classifier.bins.shape[0])
vals = normalizer(classifier.yb)
layer.get_fill_color = apply_continuous_cmap(vals, mpl.colormaps['viridis'])


Load data and ensure the geometries are all valid Polygons.

enc = gpd.read_parquet(f"{chars_dir}enclosures_chars_{region}.parquet").to_crs(4326)

enc.geometry = enc.make_valid()

enc = enc[enc.geom_type.str.contains("Polygon")]

Create a lonboard layer

layer = lonboard.SolidPolygonLayer.from_geopandas(enc, opacity=.3)
CPU times: user 168 ms, sys: 31.9 ms, total: 200 ms
Wall time: 200 ms

Create a Sidecar view (assumes JupyterLab) for more comfortable experience.

sc = Sidecar(title='enclosures')

Create a Map object

m = lonboard.Map(layer)

Display map within the sidecar plugin

with sc:

List avaialable columns

Index(['eID', 'geometry', 'ldkAre', 'ldkPer', 'lskCCo', 'lskERI', 'lskCWA',
       'ltkOri', 'ltkWNB', 'likWCe', 'likWBB'],
column = 'ldkPer'
'perimeter of enclosure'

Specify a column and pass its values into a choropleth representation within the map.

classifier = classify(enc[column], 'quantiles', k=20)
normalizer = mpl.colors.Normalize(0, classifier.bins.shape[0])
vals = normalizer(classifier.yb)
layer.get_fill_color = apply_continuous_cmap(vals, mpl.colormaps['viridis'])


Load data and ensure the geometries are all valid Polygons.

streets = gpd.read_parquet(f"{chars_dir}streets_chars_{region}.parquet")

streets.geometry = streets.make_valid()

Create a lonboard layer

layer = lonboard.PathLayer.from_geopandas(streets.to_crs(4326), width_min_pixels=1)
CPU times: user 250 ms, sys: 23.2 ms, total: 273 ms
Wall time: 272 ms

Create a Sidecar view (assumes JupyterLab) for more comfortable experience.

sc = Sidecar(title='streets')

Create a Map object

m = lonboard.Map(layer)

Display map within the sidecar plugin

with sc:

List avaialable columns

assert np.allclose(streets['sdsLen'] , streets.geometry.length)

if 'mm_len' in streets.columns:
    assert np.allclose(streets['mm_len'] , streets.geometry.length)
Index(['geometry', '_status', 'mm_len', 'cdsbool', 'node_start', 'node_end',
       'sdsLen', 'sssLin', 'ldsMSL', 'sdsAre', 'ldsRea', 'ldsAre', 'sisBpM',
       'sdsSPW', 'sdsSPO', 'sdsSWD', 'nID'],
streets[['sdsLen', 'sssLin', 'ldsMSL', 'sdsAre', 'ldsRea', 'ldsAre',
       'sisBpM', 'sdsSPW', 'sdsSPO', 'sdsSWD']].describe()
sdsLen sssLin ldsMSL sdsAre ldsRea ldsAre sisBpM sdsSPW sdsSPO sdsSWD
count 77374.000000 77374.000000 77374.000000 5.267900e+04 77374.000000 6.464400e+04 52397.000000 77374.000000 77374.000000 57729.000000
mean 183.432278 0.959614 196.258464 2.242239e+04 136.501137 3.738741e+05 0.064995 32.483240 0.702718 4.339666
std 363.929170 0.106236 170.058588 4.710648e+04 119.552318 3.704621e+05 0.071708 13.008305 0.250935 1.994679
min 2.000000 0.000000 3.741196 4.152421e-02 0.000000 4.002875e+01 0.000262 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
25% 58.894980 0.977297 103.906101 3.563385e+03 40.000000 1.548616e+05 0.027475 21.761670 0.500000 3.055577
50% 97.801325 0.998925 134.558532 8.524029e+03 122.000000 2.476303e+05 0.052702 30.189255 0.701923 4.544631
75% 170.871458 1.000000 214.998976 2.084422e+04 202.000000 4.465998e+05 0.085624 50.000000 1.000000 5.754629
max 11193.707415 1.000000 5524.818599 1.276722e+06 1788.000000 4.554284e+06 3.977393 50.000000 1.000000 12.135564

Specify a column and pass its values into a choropleth representation within the map.

column = 'sdsSPW'
'width of street profile'
streets[column] = streets[column].fillna(0)
classifier = classify(streets[column].astype(int), 'equalinterval', k=20)
normalizer = mpl.colors.Normalize(0, classifier.bins.shape[0])
vals = normalizer(classifier.yb)
layer.get_color = apply_continuous_cmap(vals, mpl.colormaps['viridis'])


Load data and ensure the geometries are all valid Polygons.

nodes = gpd.read_parquet(f"{chars_dir}nodes_chars_{region}.parquet").to_crs(4326)

Create a lonboard layer

layer = lonboard.ScatterplotLayer.from_geopandas(nodes, radius_min_pixels=2)
CPU times: user 69.3 ms, sys: 4.83 ms, total: 74.2 ms
Wall time: 73.6 ms

Create a Sidecar view (assumes JupyterLab) for more comfortable experience.

sc = Sidecar(title='nodes')

Create a Map object

m = lonboard.Map(layer, basemap_style=lonboard.basemap.CartoBasemap.Positron)

Display map within the sidecar plugin

with sc:

List avaialable columns

Index(['x', 'y', 'mtdDeg', 'lcdMes', 'linP3W', 'linP4W', 'linPDE', 'lcnClo',
       'lddNDe', 'linWID', 'ldsCDL', 'xcnSCl', 'mtdMDi', 'nodeID', 'geometry',
       'sddAre', 'midRea', 'midAre'],

Specify a column and pass its values into a choropleth representation within the map.

nodes[['mtdDeg', 'lcdMes', 'linP3W', 'linP4W', 'linPDE', 'lcnClo',
       'lddNDe', 'linWID', 'ldsCDL', 'xcnSCl', 'mtdMDi', 'nodeID', 'geometry',
       'sddAre', 'midRea', 'midAre']].describe()
mtdDeg lcdMes linP3W linP4W linPDE lcnClo lddNDe linWID ldsCDL xcnSCl mtdMDi nodeID sddAre midRea midAre
count 61838.000000 61838.000000 61838.000000 61838.000000 61838.000000 6.183800e+04 61838.000000 61838.000000 61838.000000 61838.000000 61838.000000 61838.00000 4.654500e+04 61838.000000 4.908000e+04
mean 2.567418 0.105057 0.683189 0.130161 0.183928 1.004460e-06 0.005973 0.009984 319.454293 0.027892 183.852532 30918.50000 2.587954e+04 20.845176 6.426385e+04
std 1.005752 0.060368 0.116292 0.098865 0.115463 6.709700e-07 0.007673 0.005341 612.723878 0.053212 280.458199 17851.23731 4.584542e+04 23.542853 8.924184e+04
min 1.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000e+00 0.000396 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2.311779 0.00000 1.159084e+00 0.000000 1.221930e+01
25% 1.000000 0.061856 0.625000 0.058824 0.111111 4.621507e-07 0.003492 0.005882 73.066534 0.000000 74.482961 15459.25000 5.936987e+03 3.000000 1.793014e+04
50% 3.000000 0.098592 0.695652 0.111111 0.169492 8.682536e-07 0.005624 0.009957 181.984598 0.000000 109.536100 30918.50000 1.170070e+04 16.000000 3.585703e+04
75% 3.000000 0.142857 0.757576 0.181818 0.238095 1.420323e-06 0.007255 0.013344 364.331816 0.047619 170.624712 46377.75000 2.549037e+04 31.000000 7.125945e+04
max 6.000000 0.800000 1.000000 0.777778 1.000000 7.283451e-06 0.534588 0.119944 22877.000260 1.000000 11193.902019 61837.00000 1.170909e+06 583.000000 1.806340e+06
column = 'mtdMDi'
'mean distance to neighbouring nodes of street network'

classifier = classify(nodes[column], 'quantiles', k=20)
normalizer = mpl.colors.Normalize(0, classifier.bins.shape[0])
vals = normalizer(classifier.yb)
layer.get_fill_color = apply_continuous_cmap(vals, mpl.colormaps['viridis'])

Compare buildings across the pipeline

import geopandas as gpd
all_gdf = gpd.read_parquet(f'/data/uscuni-eurofab/microsoft_buildings/ms_ce.pq')
regions_datadir = "/data/uscuni-eurofab/"
region_hulls = gpd.read_parquet(
        regions_datadir + "regions/" + "ms_ce_region_hulls.parquet"
(474, 1)
bidxs = all_gdf.sindex.query(region_hulls.loc[65806, 'convex_hull'], predicate='intersects')
CPU times: user 11.3 s, sys: 1.68 s, total: 12.9 s
Wall time: 12.8 s
plotting = all_gdf.iloc[bidxs]
plotting['geometry'] = plotting.simplify(1)
CPU times: user 1.28 s, sys: 52.6 ms, total: 1.33 s
Wall time: 1.34 s
/home/krasen/eurofab_morphometrics/.pixi/envs/default/lib/python3.12/site-packages/geopandas/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  super().__setitem__(key, value)
from lonboard import SolidPolygonLayer, Map
from lonboard.basemap import CartoBasemap
from lonboard.colormap import apply_categorical_cmap
from palettable.colorbrewer.qualitative import Set3_12
from core.cluster_validation import get_color

layer = SolidPolygonLayer.from_geopandas(
    gdf=plotting, opacity=0.15
/home/krasen/eurofab_morphometrics/.pixi/envs/default/lib/python3.12/site-packages/lonboard/_geoarrow/ops/ UserWarning: Input being reprojected to EPSG:4326 CRS
  warnings.warn("Input being reprojected to EPSG:4326 CRS")
m = Map(layer, basemap_style=CartoBasemap.Positron)
region_id = 65806
regions_buildings_dir = '/data/uscuni-eurofab/regions/buildings/'
buildings = gpd.read_parquet(regions_buildings_dir + f'buildings_{region_id}.pq')

layer = SolidPolygonLayer.from_geopandas(
    gdf=buildings, opacity=0.15
m = Map(layer, basemap_style=CartoBasemap.Positron)
/home/krasen/eurofab_morphometrics/.pixi/envs/default/lib/python3.12/site-packages/lonboard/_geoarrow/ops/ UserWarning: Input being reprojected to EPSG:4326 CRS
  warnings.warn("Input being reprojected to EPSG:4326 CRS")
region_id = 65806
buildings_dir = '/data/uscuni-eurofab/processed_data/simplified_buildings/'
buildings = gpd.read_parquet(buildings_dir + f'buildings_{region_id}.parquet')

layer = SolidPolygonLayer.from_geopandas(
    gdf=buildings, opacity=0.15
m = Map(layer, basemap_style=CartoBasemap.Positron)
/home/krasen/eurofab_morphometrics/.pixi/envs/default/lib/python3.12/site-packages/lonboard/_geoarrow/ops/ UserWarning: Input being reprojected to EPSG:4326 CRS
  warnings.warn("Input being reprojected to EPSG:4326 CRS")
region_id = 65806
buildings_dir = '/data/uscuni-eurofab/processed_data/buildings/'
buildings = gpd.read_parquet(buildings_dir + f'buildings_{region_id}.parquet')

# layer = SolidPolygonLayer.from_geopandas(
#     gdf=buildings, opacity=0.15
# )
# m = Map(layer, basemap_style=CartoBasemap.Positron)
# m